class NCurses::Window

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : LibNCurses::Window) #

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def = nil, width = nil, y = 0, x = 0) #

Create a new window with given size

Wrapper for newwin()

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Instance Method Detail

def add_char(chr, pos_y, pos_x) #

Alias for #add_char

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def add_char(chr, position = nil) #

Draw a character

Wrapper for waddch() and mvwaddch() (addch() and mvaddch())

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def attr_get #

Get the current attributes and color pair as a named tuple with attr and color

Wrapper for wattr_get() (#attr_get())

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def attr_off(attr : Attribute) #

Turn off attribute(s)

Wrapper for wattr_off() (#attr_off())

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def attr_on(attr : Attribute) #

Turn on attribute(s)

Wrapper for wattr_on() (#attr_on())

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def attribute_off(attr : Attribute) #

Alias for #attr_off

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def attribute_on(attr : Attribute) #

Alias for #attr_on

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def border(ls : Char, rs : Char, ts : Char, bs : Char, tl : Char, tr : Char, bl : Char, br : Char) #

Draw a box around the edge of a window

ls - char to be used on left side

rs - char to be used on right side

ts - char to be used on top side

bs - char to be used on bottom side

tl - char to be used on top left-hand corner

tr - char to be used on top right-hand corner

bl - char to be used on bottom left-hand corner

br - char to be used on bottom right-hand corner

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def border(ver : Char = BORDER_DEFAULT, hor : Char = BORDER_DEFAULT, cor : Char? = nil) #

Alias for #border

Uses hor for horizontal lines, ver for vertical lines, and cor for corners

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def box(ver : Char = BORDER_DEFAULT, hor : Char = BORDER_DEFAULT) #

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def change_attribute(attr : Attribute = Attribute::Normal, color_pair = 0, length = -1, y = nil, x = nil) #

attr is the Attribute enum. color_pair is the color pair number (0 is the default white on black.) length defaults to -1, but represents the number of characters to change, up to EOL. If y and x are set, the cursor location is moved before changing attributes.

Wrapper for wchgat() and mvwchgat() (chgat() and mvchgat())

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def change_background(char) #

Change the background

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def clear #

Clear window, also causes repaint

Wrapper for wclear() (#clear())

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def clear_to_bot #

Clear window from cursor to the rest of the whole window

Wrapper for wclrtobot() (clrtoeol())

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def clear_to_eol #

Clear window from cursor position to the end of the current line

Wrapper for wclrtoeol() (clrtoeol())

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def clearok(v : Bool = true) #

Wrapper for #clearok()

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def col #

Alias for #x

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def cols #

Alias for #max_x

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def delete_window #

Delete the window

Wrapper for delwin()

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def draw_hline(char = nil, length = nil) #

Draw a horizontal line

Default char is - and default length is #width

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def draw_hline(length : Int) #

Alias for #draw_hline

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def draw_vline(char = nil, height = nil) #

Draw a vertical line

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def draw_vline(height : Int) #

Alias for #draw_vline

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def enclose?(yx : NamedTuple) : Bool #

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def enclose?(yx) : Bool #

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def enclose?(y, x) : Bool #

If a mouse position is in this window

Wrapper for wenclose()

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def enclose?(mouse_event : MouseEvent) : Bool #

If a mouse event took place within this window

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def erase #

Clear window

Wrapper for werase() (#erase())

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def get_attribute #

Alias for #attr_get

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def get_background #

Get the character and attributes from the current background

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def get_char(&) #

Get a character input for main loop

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def get_char : Key | Char | Nil #

Get a character input

Returned as Key if recognised, Char otherwise

Wrapper for wgetch() (getch())

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def height #

Alias for #max_y

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def idcok(v : Bool = true) #

Wrapper for #idcok()

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def idlok(v : Bool = true) #

Wrapper for #idlok()

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def immedok(v : Bool = true) #

Wrapper for #immedok()

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def keypad(enable) #

Enable or disable capturing function keys

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def leaveok(v : Bool = true) #

Wrapper for #leaveok()

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def lines #

Alias for #max_y

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def max_dimensions #

Max height and width as tuple (y,x)

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def max_dimensions_named #

Max height and width as named tuple

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def max_x #

Return width

Wrapper for getmaxx()

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def max_y #

Return height

Wrapper for getmaxy()

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def move(new_pos : NamedTuple) #

Alias for '#move'

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def move(y, x) #

Move cursor to new position

Wrapper for wmove() (#move())

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def move(new_pos : Tuple) #

Alias for #move

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def move_window(y, x) #

Move window relative to whole screen

TODO Tuple version

Wrapper for mvwin()

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def no_border #

Erase around the edge of a window

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def no_box #

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def no_delay #

Do not wait for input, return ERR

Wrapper for nodelay()

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def no_timeout #

Wait for input, no errors should be returned

Wrapper for notimeout()

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def non_relative(event : MouseEvent) : MouseEvent #

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def pos #

Cursor current position as tuple (y,x)

Simulates ncurses macro getyx

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def pos_named #

Cursor current position as named tuple

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def position #

Alias for #pos

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def position_named #

Alias for #pos_named

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def print(message, position = nil) #

Write a string

Wrapper for wprintw() and mvwprintw() (printw() and mvprintw())

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def print(message, row : Int) #

Alias for #print

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def print(message, pos_y, pos_x) #

Alias for #print

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def refresh #

Refresh window

Wrapper for wrefresh() (#refresh())

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def relative(event : MouseEvent) : MouseEvent #

Returns a new MouseEvent with coordinates relative to the window

To convert back user #non_relative

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def row #

Alias for #y

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def scrollok(v : Bool = true) #

Wrapper for #scrollok()

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def set_attr(attr : Attribute = Attribute::Normal, color_pair = 0) #

Replace attribute(s) and color with these

Wrapper for wattr_set() (attr_set())

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def set_attribute(attr : Attribute = Attribute::Normal, color_pair = 0) #

Alias for #set_attr

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def set_background(char) #

Sets a new background and applies it everywhere

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def set_color(color_pair = 0) #

Set this window's default color pair

Wrapper for wcolor_set() (color_set())

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def set_pos(y, x) #

Alias for #move

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def set_pos(new_pos : Tuple) #

Alias for #move

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def set_pos(new_pos : NamedTuple) #

Alias for '#move'

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def setscrreg(top, bot) #

Wrapper for wsetscrreg() & #setscrreg()

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def timeout=(value) #

Set input timeout

Wrapper for wtimeout() (timeout())

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def to_unsafe : LibNCurses::Window #

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def width #

Alias for #max_x

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def with_attr(attrs : Attribute, &) #

Block with attribute(s) turned on

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def with_attribute(attrs : Attribute, &) #

Alias for #with_attr

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def x #

Returns cursor current x position

Wrapper for getcurx()

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def y #

Returns cursor current y position

Wrapper for getcury()

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